The Student Support Team
The Student Support Team provide a universal service to all students, working to develop and maintain their social, emotional, mental health and well-being. We liaise with staff, parents and outside agencies to provide the best outcomes for our young people and support them in challenging barriers to their learning and achievement.
As a team we can provide 1:1 support, focused intervention for groups, counselling and support for parents/carers. We also refer to and work closely with many different statutory, voluntary and charitable organisations who provide additional support for young people and their families when necessary.
The student support team work closely with our Key Stage Leaders and respective teams to maximise the learning potential for our students. We work together to identify and support students who may be experiencing difficulties which could be a barrier to their learning.
If you'd like to report something that you think we need to know, then please click on the link above. We will combine this with any other relevant information we have in order to decide what action we will take. Anything you write can be sent anonymously HOWEVER we can give you more support if you decide to share your name etc. We will also then be able to provide feedback of any actions we have taken.
To support young people to remove sexual images of themselves online, the Internet Watch Foundation and NSPCC have developed the Report Remove tool. Report Remove can support a young person in reporting sexual images or videos shared online and enables them to get the image removed if it is illegal. More information can be accessed here:
Self Help Resources:
Self Harm Leaflet
Audio Resources for Common
Mental Health Problems
Beat Stress - food for
Stress relief resources
Drugs information card
Sexual Health information
Sexuality information
Developing a positive body
Steps to confidence
Mental Health Resources for Young People and their Parents/Carers
Self Help Recordings:
Calm Down in 5 Minutes - Listen to this recording if you are feeling panicky, upset, angry, emotional or just need to calm down in general.
5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation - Take 5 minutes out of your day to relax, unwind, focus and clear your head. Daily practice of mindfulness is good for your mental and emotional health and well-being.
Guided Visualisation for Unwinding and letting go of Stress - This guided visualisation will take you on a little journey through a forest, helping you feel calmer, relaxed and more in control of your thoughts and feelings by the end of it.
Help to Fall Asleep at Night - If you are struggling to fall asleep at night or you find your mind becomes overactive the minute your head hits the pillow, then listening to this recording can help to distract your conscious mind and allow you to drift off in to a restful sleep.
Relieve Tension in the Body - Aching muscles? Tension Headache? Feeling Uptight? Listen to this recording to help you relax your body and mind and relieve tension.
Learn to Relax - Guided Relaxation - Total mind and Body Relaxation. Start or end your day by giving yourself the gift of 20 minutes blissful relaxation. You're worth it!
Please do not listen to any of the above recordings if you are driving, in a moving vehicle, whilst operating machinery or at any other time where you need to maintain a state of full conscious awareness. The best way to listen and get the most out of the recordings is when you are lying down on a sofa or bed, or sitting comfortably on a chair, making sure there are no distractions around you.
All Recordings made for Wadebridge School by Cornwall Hypno. Click here for more information.