Special Educational Needs
The Special Educational Needs and Curriculum Support department is committed to ensuring the inclusion of all pupils in the school and enabling them to fully access the curriculum and make the most of opportunities available to them.
The department has two dedicated teaching rooms, one of which (CS) has a number of computers which are used to support pupils in their production of written materials, illustrated work, teaching programmes and exercises. The other room (E3) is also available at both break and lunchtimes on a supervised basis as a quiet space for pupils to relax and socialise with others.
Pupils experiencing difficulty completing homework are encouraged to seek help at the 'Homework Club', which takes place during lunch times in the school library ICT suite and is fully supported by teaching assistants.
We liaise closely with our partner primary schools to aid transition of all pupils and offer ‘enhanced transition’ for those students who need a little extra support before starting Year 7, this can include a number of additional visits to the school and observations in the primary setting or access to our ‘SEN Advocate’ over the summer holidays.
We are very proud of the comments related to the support we offer all our pupils as stated in the most recent Ofsted report.
The ethos of a caring school where every individual matters and is valued is strongly demonstrated in all aspects of the school’s work. As a result, care, guidance and support are outstanding and make a significant contribution to students’ achievement. As one parent wrote, ‘For such a large school, they (the staff) are very aware of the individual needs of the pupils. I have been more than impressed.’
Please click here to read the full SEN policy and feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have about SEND at Wadebridge School.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the team: send@wadebridge.cornwall.sch.uk
Mr L Bateman (Assistant Headteacher – SENDCo) lbateman@wadebridge.cornwall.sch.uk
Related Links
SEN Guide for parents and carers