Welcome to EPR (Ethics, Philosophy and Religion)

Within EPR we aim to give students the opportunity to explore different people's belief systems and reflect on how these affect their moral choices.

All students at Wadebridge School study EPR as part of the core curriculum. EPR gives students the opportunity to learn about real life issues and explore the beliefs systems of different people from around the world. 

As a department we believe that it’s imperative for young people to learn about different religions and cultures. Through exploring a wide range of belief systems stereotypical views can be challenged and replaced with more positive outlooks. EPR is all around us. It gives students the opportunity to discover the world and the forces that shape it.

As well as discovering different belief-systems, EPR also gives students time to reflect on their own ideas about real life issues. Students are given the chance to discuss and debate ethical issues in a safe environment where they can ask questions that they might otherwise never have had an opportunity to. EPR lessons are current and relevant, as a department we not only prepare students for examinations but also for the issues that they will face in real life.

EPR Learning Journey:

Years 7 & 8 Curriculum Maps


Paper 1 Revision Guide

Paper 2 Revision Guide






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